
Slim Aarons A Place in the Sun  设计●艺术

Aarons, Slim/ Sweet, Christopher/ Sweet, Christopher (INT)
Harry N Abrams Inc(2005-9)
1425元 / 240页
标签: 摄影 

Slim Aarons made a career, in his words, "photographing attractive people who were doing attractive things in attractive places." His subjects were the beautiful and the celebrated, the rich and the powerful, the talented and the privileged, high society and aristocracy. Slim Aarons captured their image for the picture magazines of the 1940s - '90s, and, in so doing so, defined the image of the Beautiful People - the post-war international Jet Set. Aarons always shows his subjects in their natural setting, in a circumstance synonymous with their station in life, and in so doing, he gained their trust and a most precious thing - access. And so he was welcomed into the exclusive precincts of the world's elite, in essence attaining the status of court photographer. The images included here are the fruit of that access.
