量子力学中的数学概念 人文●社科
35元 / 286页
标签: 数学物理 理论物理 经典 科学 量子力学 物理
《量子力学中的数学概念(英文版)》介绍了:The first fifteen chapters of these lectures (omitting four to six chapters each year) cover a one term course taken by a mixed group of senior undergraduate and junior graduate students specializing either in mathematics or physics. Typically, the mathematics students have some background in advanced analysis, while the physics students have had introducto...
35元 / 286页
标签: 数学物理 理论物理 经典 科学 量子力学 物理
《量子力学中的数学概念(英文版)》介绍了:The first fifteen chapters of these lectures (omitting four to six chapters each year) cover a one term course taken by a mixed group of senior undergraduate and junior graduate students specializing either in mathematics or physics. Typically, the mathematics students have some background in advanced analysis, while the physics students have had introducto...