
The Stars Shine Down  外国●文学

Sidney Sheldon
Warner Books 出版年: 1993-09-(1993-09-01)
94元 / 416页

The Stars Shine Down is Sidney Sheldons twelfth and most passionate novel, set against the glamorous world of international business and featuring a complex and compelling heroine faced with a series of life-shattering decisions.

Lara Cameron is young and beautiful. Rising from a past she seeks to repress, she achieves her wildest ambition, creating a much envied business empi...


西德尼·谢尔顿(Sidney Sheldon 1917—2007) 当代美国著名作家。2007年1月30日在洛杉矶逝世,享年89岁。他是世界上唯一集奥斯卡奖、托尼奖和爱伦·坡奖于一身的作家,前17本小说全部登上过《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的榜首。根据吉尼斯世界纪录的记载,他是世界上被翻译得最多的作家,他的作品被译成51种语言,引介到180个国家和地区,全球总销量超过3亿册。