
Arduino Robotics  漫画●绘本

John-David Warren/Josh Adams/H
299元 / 450页
标签: arduino  机器人  2012 

Arduino Robotics will show you how to use yourArduino to control a variety of different robots, while providing step-by-step instructions on the entire robot building process. You'll learn Arduino basics as well as the characteristics of different types of motors used in robotics. You also discover controller methods and failsafe methods,and learnhowto apply them to your project. The book starts withbasic robots and moves into more complex projects, includinga GPS-enabled robot, a robotic lawn mower, a fighting bot, and even a DIY Segway-clone. Introduction to the Arduino and other components needed for robotics Learn how to build motor controllers Build bots from simpleline-following and bump-sensorbotstomore complex robotsthat canmow your lawn, do battle,or even take you for a ride What you'll learn Basics of motor-control Basics of PCB design and fabrication R/C control and decoding Autonomous sensor guidance Frame building from various materials Instructions for a variety of robot designs Who this book is for Electronics and robotics hobbyists and DIY builders.
