HTML5 Hacks 童书●育儿

254元 / 508页
标签: HTML5 O'Reilly WebApp Hacks 计算机科学 柠檬推荐
HTML5 is already transforming web development, though it's still under construction in some areas. HTML5 Hacks shows you how to use the latest tools to make your sites and applications more interactive, more functional, and more capable of competing with desktop applications. Each hack shows you how to make a concrete improvement, applying the latest in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS power to common web development issues. Learn the latest techniques with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Discover new markup and multimedia features Take off with new graphics features in Canvas and SVG Use new presentation models and tools in CSS3 Apply CSS transformation and animation to reduce the amount of JavaScript you need for exciting sites Implement local storage with hash tables and databases Improve client-server communication with web sockets and XmlHttpRequest