
ちいさな星通信  漫画●绘本

奈良 美智
Rockin' On Inc.(2004-03-31)
221元 / 161页
标签: 奈良美智  绘本  日本  ちいさな星通信  小星星通讯  繪本 

Another Nara book? Not quite. Encased in a cardboard envelope-dust jacket, the catalogue inside is a diary and a retrospective in their fullest meaning. Organised in chapters of Naras own life, with a prologue and epilogue, what unfolds is a personal journey; both of Nara and the images that have become so closely associated with his name. Includes split level sections (pages cut in half to create two booklets running alongside each other), a poster, a booklist insert, glossy full page reprints on shiny paper, mat page reproductions and Nara himself.
