
Falling Up  童书●育儿

Shel Silverstein
164元 / 184页
标签: 绘本  ShelSilverstein  children  外国文学  诗歌  儿童读物 

《向上跌了一跤》是一本充满童趣和想象力的绘本诗集。因为“一跤跌到了半空”,呈现在我们眼前的景象便大不相同:没有颜料,就用不同颜色的食物来画画;为了不被动物关进“人物园”,你必须也假扮成动物;对眼睛有益的胡萝卜为什么降低了我的视力……擅于变换角度看世界、想问题的谢尔,从司空见惯的行为和事物里,从耳熟能详的传说和典故中找笑点,带领我们感受到了其中所蕴藏着的别样而丰富的趣味。 Millie McDeevit screamed a scream
So loud it made her eyebrows steam.
She screamed so loud
Her jawbone broke,
Her tongue caught fire,
Her nostrils smoked... Poor Screamin' Millie is just one of the unforgettable characters in this wondrous new book of poems and drawings by the creator of Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic. Here you will also meet Allison Beals and her twenty-five eels; Danny O'Dare, the dancin' bear; the Human Balloon; and Headphone Harold. So come, wander through the Nose Garden, ride the Little Hoarse, eat in the Strange Restaurant, and let the magic of Shel Silverstein open your eyes and tickle your mind. 1996 Children's Books (NY Public Library)
Editor's Chice 1996 (Booklist)
1997 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (ALA)
1997 Books for the Teen Age (NY Public Library)
Children's Choices for 1997 (IRA/CBC)
