
西尔斯当代大学物理  童书●育儿

休 D.杨(Hugh D.Young)/罗杰 A.弗里德曼(
169元 / 1551页
标签: 物理  大学物理  科学  原版  西尔斯  物理學 

四步解题法:所有例题都采用四步解题法:审题(Identify)、破题(Set up)、求解(Excute)和讨论(Evaluate),这种规范、科学的解题方式十分有利于学生形成思维清晰、表述准确、方法明确的解题习惯,并能逐步获得较强的解决实际问题的能力。


Hugh D. Young is Emeritus Professor of Physics at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. He attended Carnegie Mellon for both undergraduate and grad-uate study and earned his Ph.D. in fundamental particle theory under the direction of the late Richard Cutkosky. He joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon in 1956 and has also spent two years as a Visiting Professor at the University of Califomia at Berkeley.

Prof. Young's career has centered entirely around undergraduate education.He has written several undergraduate-level textbooks, and in 1973 he became a co-author with Francis Sears and Mark Zemansky for their well-known introduc-tory texts. With their deaths, he assumed full responsibility for new editions of these books until joined by Prof. Freedman for University Physics.

Prof. Young is an enthusiastic skier, climber, and hiker. He also served for,'sev-eral years as Associate Organist at St. Paul's Cathedral in Pittsburgh, and has played numerous organ recitals in the Pittsburgh area. Prof. Young and his wife Alice usually travel extensively in the summer, especially in Europe and in the desert canyon country of southern Utah.
Roger A. Freedman is a Lecturer in Physics at the University of California,Santa Barbara. Dr. Freedman was an undergraduate at the University of Califor-nia campuses in San Diego and Los Angeles, and did his doctoral research in nuclear theory at Stanford University under the direction of Professor J. Dirk Walecka. He came to UCSB in 1981 after three years teaching and doingresearch at the University of Washington.

At UCSB, Dr. Freedman has taught in both the Department of Physics and the College of Creative Studies, a branch of the university intended for highly gifted and motivated undergraduates. He has published research in nuclear physics, ele-mentary particle physics, and laser physics. In recent years, he has helped to develop computer-based tools for learning introductory physics and astronomy.

When not in the classroom or slaving over a computer, Dr. Freedman can be found either flying (he holds a commercial pilot's license) or driving with his wife, Caroline, in their 1960 Nash Metropolitan convertible.
A. Lewis Ford is Professor of Physics at Texas A&M University. He received a B.A. from Rice University in 1968 and a Ph.D. in chemical physics from the Uni-versity of Texas at Austin in 1972. After a one-year postdoc at Harvard Univer-sity, he joined the Texas A&M physics faculty in 1973 and has been there ever since. Professor Ford's research area is theoretical atomic physics, with a special-ization in atomic collisions. At Texas A&M he has taught a variety of undergrad-uate and graduate courses, but primarily introductory physics.