
The Best Poems of the English Language  外国●文学

Harold Bloom
Harper Perennial(2007-8-7)
146元 / 1008页
标签: 诗歌  英语诗歌  HaroldBloom  英语    Harold_Bloom 

This comprehensive anthology attempts to give the common reader possession of six centuries of great British and American poetry. The book features a large introductory essay by Harold Bloom called "The Art of Reading Poetry," which presents his critical reflections of more than half a century devoted to the reading, teaching, and writing about the literary achievement he loves most. In the case of all major poets in the language, this volume offers either the entire range of what is most valuable in their work, or vital selections that illuminate each figure's contribution. There are also headnotes by Harold Bloom to every poet in the volume as well as to the most important individual poems. Much more than any other anthology ever gathered, this book provides readers who desire the pleasures of a sublime art with very nearly everything they need in a single volume. It also is regarded as his final meditation upon all those who have formed his mind.


Harold Bloom is Sterling Professor of the Humanities at Yale University. He has published more than thirty books, has been the editor of a myriad of others, and has received numerous awards and honorary degrees, including the American Academy of Arts and Letters' Gold Medal for Belles Lettres and Criticism. He lives in New Haven, Connecticut, and New York City.