The Magic School Bus Ups And Downs 外语●原版
Scholastic Paperbacks(1997-02-01)
28元 / 32页
Book Description
The Magic School Bus was a series of children's books intended to teach scientific concepts to children. They were written between 1986 and 2001 by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degan. The books feature the exploits of Ms. Frizzle and her class of students at Walkerville Elementary School who board a magical school bus which takes them on educational adventures to space, under the Earth, into the human body, or to other such locations. The books were written in the first person from the point of view of an unnamed student in the Friz's class.
Synopsis :
Is there a monster living in Walker Lake? That's what Ms. Frizzle's class is trying to find out. The kids try to dive down under the water, but the bus won't go! The class has to figure out how to turn their floater into a sinker so they can solve the mystery of the underwater monster.
Take a dive with the Magic School Bus, and learn why things float and sink!
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)20.5 width:(cm)20.5