
实验心理学  人文●社科

Barry H.Kantowitz/III Henry L.
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标签: 心理学  实验心理学  实验  心理统计  学术入门  心理 

每一章都增加了新的内容以及新近的参考文献,为了反映最新的研究发现与研究主题,重写了许多章节,这意味着我们要删除大量的文字,的确让人有些难以割舍。第1章增加了有关驾驶中使用移动电话危险性的最新研究,对应用研究与基础研究之间的关系部分进行了内容更新,以反映美国国家卫生研究所(NIH)在推动基础研究成果转化中的进展。第2章更新了表2-1中的数据,重新讨论了媒体暴力对公众健康的威胁,这一章还讨论了选举人对总统候选人在夜间娱乐节目中露面的态度。第3章更换了一个关于人们信仰上帝与攻击性之间关系的更有趣的新例子,以使读者了解交互作用的重要性。第4章增加了伦理委员会(IRB)工作程序介绍,以及知觉到的不公正所产生的问题。第5章使用了新的期刊文章样例,并为期刊文章作者们提供了新的写作要领。第6章开篇用 2007年的新例子替换了1952年的旧例子,尽管作者很喜欢这个旧例子。第7章知觉防御的介绍被替换为外显知觉研究的介绍。第8章对认知控制进行了新的讨论。第9章介绍了心理治疗中的变化标准设计。第10章增加了闪光灯记忆和节省法方面的例子。第11章提及了近年的神经影像研究。第12章不仅增加了当前脑成像方面的研究工作,还增加了动机与智力活动的研究成果。第13章收录了有关记忆的社会感染、社会服从以及内隐态度与行为方面的新近研究。第14章新增加的一项研究对经典的动物拥挤模型构成了挑战,另一项增加的研究对列车车厢中的拥挤行为进行了考察。第15章增加了有关动态视敏度的一项新研究,并简短讨论了对用于解释心理负荷的模型。对于以上这些变化,如果您和您的学生有什么意见和建议,请和我们联系。


Barry H. Kantowitz is Professor of Psychology, Professor of Industrial and Operational Engineering, and Director of the Transportation Research Institute at the University of Michigan. Prior to that, he was Chief Scientist of the Human Factors Transportation Center of the Battelle Memorial Institute in Seattle. He received his Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Wisconsin in 1969. He has written and edited more than a dozen books. His research on human attention, mental workload, reaction time, human-machine interaction and human factors have all been supported by the Office of Education, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, NHTSA, and FHWA.
Henry L. Roediger, III, is the James S. McDonnell University Professor of Psychology and Dean of Academic Planning in Arts and Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, where he has taught since 1996. He received a B.A. in psychology from Washington and Lee University and a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Yale University. He has taught at Rice University, Purdue University, and spent three years as a visiting professor at the University of Toronto. His research interests lie in cognitive psychology, particularly in human learning and memory. Dr. Roediger has published more than 170 chapters, articles, and reviews as well as other textbooks and edited volumes. He is co-author of EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, Eighth Edition (Wadsworth 2005).
David Elmes is Professor of Psychology at Washington and Lee University. He earned his B.A. with high honors from the University of Virginia and completed the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees there. He is a past president of the Council on Undergraduate research and is a fellow of the American Psychological Society. Professor Elmes has edited READINGS IN EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY and DIRECTORY OF RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY AT PRIMARILY UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTIONS. He is co-author of EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, Eighth Edition (Wadsworth 2005).