
紫禁城的黄昏  人文●社科

(英国)Reginald F.Johnston庄士敦
48.9元 / 439页
标签: 历史  紫禁城的黃昏  清代历史  莊士敦  庄士敦  中国 

Translation of Preface
Chapter I The Reform Movement of 1898
Chapter II The Collapse of the Reform Movement
Chapter III Reaction and the Boxer Movement, 1898-- 1901
Chapter IV The Last Years of Kuang-Hsti, 1901 -- 1908
Chapter V The Empress-Dowager, T'zu-Hsi
Chapter VI The Revolution, 1911
Chapter VII The "Articles of Favourable Treatment"of the Manchu Imperial House
Chapter VIII The Ta Ch'ing and the Hung Hsien Emperors
Chapter IX Chang Hstin and the Restoration of 1917
Chapter X Autobiography of the Old Man of the Pine-tree(Translated from the Chinese)
Chapter XI The Forbidden City, 1919-- 1924
Chapter XII The Imperial Tutors
Chapter XIII The Manchu Court in Twilight,
Chapter XIV The Imperial Household Department (Nei Wu Fu)
Chapter XV The Dragon Unfledged
Chapter XVI Monarchist Hopes and Dreams
Chapter XVII The Dragon Restless
Chapter XVIII The Dragon Flaps His Wings
Chapter XIX Dragon and Phoenix
Chapter XX Plots and Stratagems
Chapter XXI The Imperial Garden
Chapter XXII The Summer Palace
Chapter XXIII The Fifth of November
Chapter XXIV The Dragon Caged
Chapter XXV The Flight of the Dragon
Epilogue: the Dragon Goes Home
The Pedigree of the Manchu Emperors


庄士敦(1874—1938),本名Reginald F.Johnston,苏格兰人,字志道。牛津大学文学硕士,专攻东方古典文学和历史。1918年至1924年担任末代皇帝溥仪的英文教师,对溥仪的一生影响颇大。同时,他拥挤清室,赞成复辟大清,深得溥仪的常识和信任。他通晓中国历史,文学功力深厚,熟悉中国各地的民俗和风士人情,对中国古典文学、历史经籍颇有研究。