
袁运甫水墨画  设计●艺术

故宫博物院 编
960元 / 311页
标签: 画册 

33 捐赠作品 Works Presented to The Palace Museum
59 作品 ArtWorks
299 艺术年表 Chronology
图版目录 Illustrated Catalogue
35 朱荷碧盖 Red Lotus and Green Leaves
39 喜马拉雅山 Himalayas
41 故宫双柏 Double Cypress in The Forbidden City
43 金碧大荷塘 Golden Green Large Lotus Pond
53 长江万里图 The Great Yangze River
61 母女 Mother and Daughter
63 三姐妹 Three Sisters
67 交谈 Chat
69 带头巾的母亲 Mother with A Scarf
71 镜子前的两个模特 Two Women in front of The Mirror
75 玉兰花开 Magnolia
77 香蕉园 The Banana Orchard
79 南毗尼的香蕉园 Banana Orchards in South Lumbini
83 蝴蝶花 Iris
85 山花 Wildflowers
89 幽香 Fragrance of The Blossoms
93 野塘秋荷 Autumn Lotus in The Pond
95 风荷韵致 Lotus in The Wind
99 秋色秋香 Autumn Lotus Pond
101 朱荷 The Red Lotus
105 夏荫溢翠 Summer Shade
109 青绿荷塘 Green Lotus Pond
113 唐榆夜色 Tang Dynasty Elm in The Moonlight
117 蒲松龄书屋 Pu Songling’s Studio
119 黄桷树 Ficus Virens
121 雪晴 After Snow
123 晨曲 The Rhythm of The Morning
125 香山松林 Pines in Fragrant Hills
127 清、奇、古、怪 Han Dynasty Cypress(Green/Peculiar/Ancient/Queer)
135 紫藤 Wisteria
137 无锡梅园 Plum Garden in Wuxi City
139 梯田山色 Terraces
142 尼泊尔写生(一) Nepal Sketch(No.1)
143 尼泊尔写生(二) Nepal Sketch(No.2)
145 长白山 Changbai Mountain
147 山山水水 The Mountains and Rivers
149 途中 Traveling
151 雪山脚下 Under The Snow Mountains
155 珠峰南翼 South Wing of Mount Qamolagma
159 春山 Spring Mountain
161 金碧春晓 Golden Green Spring Morning
163 蓝山 Blue Mountain
167 山村秋色 Autumn in Mountain Village
169 秋风 Autumn Wind
171 北雁归来 The Wildgoose Flew back from North
173 秋 Autumn
177 富春江上 The Fuchun River
179 龙须岛渔村 The Fishing Village
183 渔民之家 A Family of Fishermen
187 阊门水乡 Changmen Watertown
189 乌镇途中 On the Way to Wuzhen
190 淡水桶(浙东渔村之一) The Fresh Water Buckets(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.1)
191 石头坡(浙东渔村之二)The Stone Pathway(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.2)
192 石塘人家(浙东渔村之三) The Family Houses in Shitang Town(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.3)
193 渔港小巷(浙东渔村之四) The Fishing Port Alley(Fishing Village in East Zhejiang,No.4)
197 江南水乡 The Southern Watertown
199 绍兴柯桥 Ke Bridge in Shaoxing City
203 拙政园 The Humble Administrator’s Garden
207 雨中水乡 Rivers and Lakes Under The Rain
211 纽约大桥 New York Bridge
215 清供花香 Flowers of The Memorial Day
217 窗前盆花 Potted Flowers before The Window
219 墨花 Ink Flowers
221 藕 Lotus Root
225 遥祭外婆家 Memories of Grandmother’s Hometown
229 红果 Malus Asiatica
231 莲蓬 Seedpod of Lotus
233 盆花 The Flowers
235 荷塘印象 Impression of The Lotus Pond
237 盛夏 Summer
239 金色池塘 Golden Pond
241 荷塘月色 Lotus Pond in The Moonlight
243 荷塘小鸟 A Bird in The Lotus Pond
245 荷 Lotus
249 翠溢红花 Red Lotus
251 金碧荷塘 Golden Green Lotus Pond
254 对语 Dialogue
255 白荷图 White Lotus
262 花开花落 The Flower From Beginning to The End
267 晨雾 Morning Mist
269 雨露清晨 Dew in The Morning
274 彩墨荷塘(一) The Lotus Pond in Color and Ink(No.1)
273 彩墨荷塘(二) The Lotus Pond in Color and Ink(No.2)
275 晨曦荷韵 The First Ray of Sunshine
279 绿荫深处 Shade Depths
281 夏风绿韵 The Rhyme of The Summer Wind
283 朱荷 Red Lotus
285 雨蒙蒙 The Misty Rain
289 水墨荷塘 Lotus Pond
293 晨风 The Morning Wind
295 三友图 Three Friends
