
The Next 100 Years  外语●原版

Friedman, George
Archor Books(2009-7)
0元 / 272页
标签: 国际关系  社会历史  战争  未来  历史  地缘政治 

Friedman, a leading expert in geopolitical forecasting, turns his eye to the future. Drawing on a profound understanding of history and geopolitical patterns, "The Next 100 Years" is a compelling, realistic, and eye-opening portrait of the future.


George Friedman is the founder and CEO of STRATFOR, the world's leading private intelligence and forecasting company. He is frequently called upon as a media expert and is the author of four books, including, most recently, Ametica's Secret War, and numerous articles on national security, information warefare, computer security, and the intelligence business. He lives in Austin, Texas.