
The AMA Guide to Management Development [ISBN: 978-08144089  外国●文学

Daniel R. Tobin Ph.D.
Amacom Books(2008-5)
337元 / 320页
标签: 管理 

Based on the set of managerial competencies specially developed by the American Management Association for a new core management curriculum, "The AMA Guide to Management Development" provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to continually develop managers throughout their entire organization. The book considers every factor important in management development, and features in-depth information on topics including: the five major categories of competencies, including business knowledge and the ability to lead and manage change and innovation; the specific skills needed, including communication skills and people management skills; and, alternative methods organizations may use to develop managers, including different types of training and evaluation of learning effectiveness.Management development is a crucial task for every enterprise. This book gives readers the guidance they need to make sure that both current and future managers have the abilities their organizations need to prosper.
