
I Lost it at the Movies  传记●历史

Pauline Kael
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd(January, 1994)
0元 / 366页
标签: 电影  Pauline_Kael  电影书  电影相关  PaulineKael  电影研究 

Published in 1965, this is Pauline Kael's first book. It is at once her most uncharacteristic volume of essays and one of her most interesting. Rather than trace recent movie openings on a week-by-week basis, Kael here recalls classics by Ophuls, Renoir, and Bergman and comments on some of the international masterpieces of the early '60s. She also meditates on the state of the art in provocatively titled pieces like "Are Movies Going to Pieces?," "Fantasies of the Art House Audience," and "Is There a Cure for Film Criticism?" Few movie reviewers of any generation can match her wit or intelligence. And almost no one can equal her passion for an art that had such an indelible impact upon her life; Kael's treatment of Vittorio De Sica's masterpiece Shoeshine is perhaps the most intimate and beautiful movie review ever written.
Product Description
I Lost it at the Movies is vintage Kael on such classics of post-War cinema as On the Waterfront, Smiles of a Summer Night, West Side Story, The Seven Samurai, Lolita, Jules et Jim etc. Her comments are so fresh and direct, it's as if the movies had only been released last week.


资深影评人Pauline Kael星期一死在马萨诸赛州的家中,终年82岁,她生前长期为《纽约客》杂志写影评,在电影界和影迷中颇有威望。(水杯子曰:数年前,国内出现过盗版的微软电影百科全书,里面的影评部分,主要由三个人执笔,其中就包括她,而且写得确实比Roger Elbert那个老枪手好。愿Kael女士安息。)
---转自2001年09月05日10:22:11网易报道 By水杯子