
SCRUM敏捷项目管理  经管●理财

188元 / 163页
标签: 项目管理  scrum  agile  管理  软件工程  敏捷开发 

The rules and practices for Scrum--a simple process for managing complex projects--are few, straightforward,and easy to learn. But Scrum's simplicity itself--its lack of prescription--can be disarming, and new practitioners often find themselves reverting to old project management habits and tools and yielding lesser results. In this illuminating series of case studies, Scrum co-creator and evangelist Ken Schwaber identifies the real-world lessons--the successes and failures--culled from his years of experience coaching companies in agile project management. Through them, you'll understand how to use Scrum to solve complex problems and drive results--delivering more valuable software faster.


Ken Schwaber,Ken Schwaber codeveloped the Scrum process withJeff Sutherland in the early 1990s and has used it ever since to help organizations struggling with compli-
cated development projects. One of the signatories to the Agile Manifesto in 2001, he went on to found the AgileAlliance, of which he is currently the Chairman of the Board. Ken has over thirty years of experience in the various aspects of systems development.