“Douglas” 共找到7本
C++ Network Programming, Volum 童书●育儿
标签: C++ ACE Network 设计模式 Programming C/C++
Douglas C. Schmidt/Stephen D. / Addison-Wesley Professional / 2002-11-8 / 578元 / 384页
Do you need to develop flexible software that can be customized quickly? Do you need to add the powe... >详细
C++ Network Programming, Volum 童书●育儿
标签: Network C++ ACE network-programming 设计模式 Programming
Douglas C. Schmidt/Stephen D. / Addison-Wesley Professional / 2001-12-20 / 530元 / 336页
As networks, devices, and systems continue to evolve, software engineers face the unique challenge o... >详细 / 豆瓣评分
JavaScript语言精粹 童书●育儿
标签: JavaScript Web前端开发 编程 web开发 javacript 计算机
Douglas Crockford / 电子工业出版社 / 2009年 / 35元 / 155页
本书通过对JavaScript语言的分析,甄别出好的和坏的特性,从而提取出相对这门语言的整体而言具有更好的可靠性、可读性和可维护性的JavaScript的子集,以便你能用它创建真正可扩展的和高效的代码... >详细 / 豆瓣评分
JavaScript: The Good Parts 童书●育儿
标签: javascript JavaScript 前端开发 web 编程 Web开发
Douglas Crockford / O‘Reilly Media / 2008-5 / 236元 / 250页
Most programming languages contain good and bad parts, but JavaScript has more than its share of the... >详细 / 豆瓣评分