
“ID”  共找到53本 

  • The Upside 外国●文学

    Adrian J. Slywotzky  / Crown Business 副标题: The 7 Strategies for Turning Big Threats into Gr  / 2007  / 198元  / 270页

    Strategic risk is today’s biggest management challenge. There are more risks with the potential to d... >详细

  • A Thousand Splendid Suns 外国●文学

    Khaled Hosseini  / PENGUIN Group (USA) Inc. 出  / 2008-01-01  / 58元  / 448页

    It's difficult to imagine a harder first act to follow than The Kite Runner: a debut novel b... >详细  /  豆瓣评分 9.1

  • 瓦尔登湖 外国●文学

    [美] 亨利·戴维·梭罗 (Henry David Thoreau)  / 译林出版社  / 2020-10  / 85元  / 400页

    ★ 仲泽译本,诗意译笔,古朴雅致,信实优美,还原梭罗其“神” ★ 收录新英格兰本土木刻版画艺术家托马斯·内森的近20幅经典黑白插图作品,再现梭罗心灵归处的万物风景 ★ 全手工布脊精装典藏本,简约古雅,... >详细  /  豆瓣评分 8.7

  • Sidney Sheldon's Angel of the Dark 外国●文学

    Bagshawe, Tilly; Sheldon, Sidney  / 未知  / 2012-8  / 79元  / 400页

    The master storyteller's legacy continues. An elusive and shadowy killer is on the prowl, co... >详细

  • If Tomorrow Comes 外国●文学

    Sidney Sheldon  / Harpercollins Publishers 出  / 1998-1-3  / 60元  / 384页

    One of Sidney Sheldon's most popular and bestselling titles, repackaged and reissued for a n... >详细

  • A Stranger in the Mirror 外国●文学

    Sidney Sheldon  / 未知  / 2006-8  / 147元  / 400页

    Synopsis This is Sidney Sheldon's gripping third novel, repackaged to accompany his fasci... >详细

  • The Best Laid Plans 外国●文学

    Sidney Sheldon  / Grand Central Publishing 出  / 1998-8-1  / 94元  / 384页

    He wanted power. Oliver Russell is fated to rise to the pinnacle of power, the office of President o... >详细  /  豆瓣评分 7.3

  • Sidney Sheldon's the Tides of Memory 外国●文学

    Sheldon, Sidney; Bagshawe, Tilly  / HarperCollins Publishers  / 未知  / 95元  / 0页

    未知... >详细

  • Rage of Angels 外国●文学

    Sidney Sheldon  / 未知  / 2006-8  / 154元  / 512页

    Synopsis This is Sidney Sheldon's fifth novel, repackaged to accompany his memoirs, The O... >详细

  • Memories of Midnight 外国●文学

    Sidney Sheldon  / Grand Central Publishing 出  / 1991-10-1  / 80元  / 416页

    In THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT, they played the ultimate game of love, lust, and death. Now, in MEMO... >详细  /  豆瓣评分 7.5

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