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2023新版学霸笔记初中英语 pass绿卡图书人教RJ版全彩基础知识大全手册知识清单中考复习资料同步课堂笔记基础知识讲解 童书●育儿
牛胜玉 / 湖南师范大学出版社 / 2015-05-01 / 49.8元 / 0页
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Classic Starts 童书●育儿
标签: 推理
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle / Sterling / 2005-3 / 40元 / 151页
Following Sterling's spectacularly successful launch of its children's classic novel... >详细
Sons and Lovers (Signet Classics (Paperback)) 童书●育儿
标签: 英文原版 D.H.Lawrence ⭐⭐⭐ english 儿子和他的情人们 英文
D.H. Lawrence / Signet Classics / 1985-01-02 / 79.08元 / 0页
Lawrence's first major novel was also the first in the English language to explore ordinary working... >详细 / 豆瓣评分
Sons and Lovers 童书●育儿
标签: DHLawrence 英国文学专业书单推荐 外国文学 英国 小说 classics
D.H. Lawrence / Penguin Classics / 2006-06-01 / 0元 / 544页
The marriage of Gertrude and Walter Morel has become a battleground. Repelled by her uneducated and ... >详细 / 豆瓣评分
Red Junior Classic Series: Twelve-year-old can not speak(Chinese Edition) 童书●育儿
- / - / - / 18元 / 0页
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Armadale 童书●育儿
标签: Wilkie-Collins english gutenY oxford-world-classics
W. Wilkie Collins / Oxford University Press, USA / 2009-9-28 / 132元 / 880页
Armadale tells the devastating story of the independent, murderous, and adulterous Lydia Gwilt. This... >详细