“fiction” 共找到9本
Fatelessness 外国●文学
标签: 英文原著 fiction 匈牙利文学 NobelLaureates jewish 文艺
Imre Kertész / Vintage / 2004-12-07 / 115元 / 272页
At the age of 14 Georg Koves is plucked from his home in a Jewish section of Budapest and without a... >详细
Then We Came to the End 外国●文学
标签: Fiction
Joshua Ferris / Back Bay Books / 2008-2-26 / 114元 / 416页
No one knows us quite the same way as the men and women who sit beside us in department meetings and... >详细
The Blind Assassin 外国●文学
标签: MargaretAtwood 加拿大 小说 英文原版 Margaret_Atwood Fiction
Margaret Atwood / Anchor Books / 2001-8-25 / 218元 / 544页
The Blind Assassin opens with these simple, resonant words: "Ten days after the war ended, my ... >详细 / 豆瓣评分
Complete Short Fiction 外国●文学
标签: 英國文學 爱尔兰文学 王尔德
Oscar Wilde / Penguin Books / 1995 / 0元 / 0页
This volume collects together the masterpieces that appeared during Wilde's earliest revolutions as ... >详细
Where Do Polar Bears Live? 外国●文学
标签: Non-Fiction Level-2 Let's_read_and_find_out 图书馆 科普 英文
Thomson, Sarah L. / HarperCollins / - / 43.64元 / 0页
-... >详细