
The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain  外国●文学

Mark Twain
Bantam Classics(1984-3-1)
131.61元 / 848页
标签: 短篇小说集  经典  英语  文学  美国  英文原版 

For deft plotting, riotous inventiveness, unforgettable characters, and language that brilliantly captures the lively rhythms of American speech, no American writer comes close to Mark Twain. This sparkling anthology covers the entire span of Twain’s inimitable yarn-spinning, from his early broad comedy to the biting satire of his later years.
Every one of his sixty stories is ...


马克·吐温,美国著名作家和演说家,本名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。马克·吐温是色盲,他做过印刷所学徒、报童、排字工人、水手、淘金工人、记者等工作。于1910 年4 月21 日因病去世,享年七十五岁,安葬于纽约州艾玛拉。