
Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across I  童书●育儿

Elizabeth Gilbert
Penguin Books(2007-1)
62.5元 / 352页
标签: 英文原版  心灵旅行  女性  旅行  成长  小说 


This beautifully written, heartfelt memoir touched a nerve among both readers and reviewers. Elizabeth Gilbert tells how she made the difficult choice to leave behind all the trappings of modern American success (marriage, house in the country, career) and find, instead, what she truly wanted from life. Setting out for a year to study three different aspects of her nature amid three different cultures, Gilbert explored the art of pleasure in Italy and the art of devotion in India, and then a balance between the two on the Indonesian island of Bali. By turns rapturous and rueful, this wise and funny author (whom Booklist calls Anne Lamotts hip, yoga- practicing, footloose younger sister) is poised to garner yet more adoring fans.


伊莉莎白·吉尔伯特,小说家、新闻记者、两度获得National Magazine Award 深度报导奖,作品The Last American Man 入选美国国家图书奖决赛名单及2002年纽约时代年代好书,故事集Pilgrims获得Paris Review 最佳新人小说等奖项。曾为知名杂志GQ、Bazaar、The New York Magazine撰稿。