数论中的模函数和狄利克莱级数 童书●育儿
35元 / 204页
标签: 解析数论7 数学 数论 GTM QS 高數
《数论中的模函数和狄利克莱级数(第2版)》讲述了:This is the second volume of a 2-volume textbook* which evolved from a course (Mathematics 160) offered at the California Institute of Technology during the last 25 years.The second volume presupposes a background in number theory com-parable to that provided in the first volume, together with a knowledge of the basic concepts of complex analysis
35元 / 204页
标签: 解析数论7 数学 数论 GTM QS 高數
《数论中的模函数和狄利克莱级数(第2版)》讲述了:This is the second volume of a 2-volume textbook* which evolved from a course (Mathematics 160) offered at the California Institute of Technology during the last 25 years.The second volume presupposes a background in number theory com-parable to that provided in the first volume, together with a knowledge of the basic concepts of complex analysis