“ac” 共找到38本
Oracle10g宝典 设计●艺术
标签: Design oracle 数据库
路川,胡欣杰 / 电子工业出版社 / 2006-1 / 89元 / 861页
《Oracle10g宝典》共26章,分为六大部分:Oracle 10g数据库基础、Oracle 10g体系结构与存储管理、数据库管理、方案对象管理、安全管理、Oracle 10g的应用开发。书中内容涉... >详细
Slim Aarons A Place in the Sun 设计●艺术
标签: 摄影
Aarons, Slim/ Sweet, Christopher/ Sweet, Christopher (INT) / Harry N Abrams Inc / 2005-9 / 1425元 / 240页
Slim Aarons made a career, in his words, "photographing attractive people who were doing attrac... >详细
Ada Lovelace 设计●艺术
标签: 绘本
Isabel Sanchez Vegara / Lincoln Children's Books / 2018 / 62元 / 0页
As a child, Ada Lovelace had a big imagination and a talent for mathematics. She grew up in a noble ... >详细
Ada Lovelace 设计●艺术
标签: 绘本
Isabel Sanchez Vegara / Lincoln Children's Books / 2018 / 62元 / 0页
As a child, Ada Lovelace had a big imagination and a talent for mathematics. She grew up in a noble ... >详细